Building, managing and maintaining a data center is challenging. Our Data Center solutions offer enterprises means to speed time to market, reduce capital requirements, mitigate implementation and operational risks and offload support and maintenance requirements, without sacrificing or compromising on key requirements.
To keep up with the speed at which technological developments are being introduced, modern businesses and enterprises need to continuously reinvent themselves. Consequently, their supporting digital infrastructure needs to be up to speed as well. Many IT-directors and CIOs, however, find themselves struggling with cluttered environments and ever-more complex relationships between systems and applications. offers faster implementation times, flexible capacity and inherent ability to scale infrastructure to meet current business needs without exposure to risks and costs of investing your own capital.
- Accelerating applications demands a continuous drive to expand requirements on IT infrastructure and performance, despite an overarching need to reduce costs;
- Managing growth across your IT infrastructure and operations in a way that allows you to continue to meet your business requirements and objectives, knowing that inability to scale may limit efficiency, and as a result, impact the performance of the infrastructure and applications;
- Maximizing asset utilization and cost-efficiency to avoid wasted resources and ensuring the best possible ROI on your infrastructure and financial performance of your business.
- 24×7 on-site staff to help Enterprises (reduce in labor costs);
- A full range of connectivity options (including Blended IP, Cloud Connects);
- Flexible portfolio of services allows you to flex up and down;
- 100 percent uptime SLA on power and some of the most connected data center;
- Data centers run at low PUE, making them extremely energy-efficient;
- Your assets will be powered via 100 percent renewable energy;
- World-class data centers offering with ISO27001 accreditation;
- Flexible, reliable, secure service-led infrastructure solutions, adaptable to your business needs.