
Amsterdam data center ams1

Amsterdam data center (AMS1)

Award Winning Data center AMS1 is strategically located in Amsterdam Southeast, on the prime fiber network routes from international carriers and backbones in Europe. Data center AMS1 showcases superior engineering and energy efficiency. Amsterdam is the fastest growing data center market in Europe, the Amsterdam region is considered the Digital Gateway to Europe.

datacenter.com location

Data center location

Datacenter.com AMS1 data center is strategically located in Amsterdam, 19KM (15 min by car) from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, 9 minutes walk from the train station (Amsterdam Arena).

Datacenter.com Amsterdam data center AMS1







Data center facility

Our Amsterdam colocation data center facility is designed based on the UTI Tier III standard, which means 2N redundancy on all critical systems, delivering extremely high levels of service availability. AMS1 is leading the data center industry in green initiatives to reduce power consumption and environment impacts, and keep our PUE ratings as low as possible (designed PUE < 1.08).

Amsterdam AMS1 data center in a glance:

  •   – 10.900 m2 facility;
  •   – 5.000 m2 of raised floor for colocation;
  •   – Raised (4 meter) data floor above sea level (NAP);
  •   – Modular and redundant setup;
  •   – Secure parking places;
  •   – Trained technical staff on-site 24/7/365.
Datacenter.com AMS1 colocation AMS-IX, NL-IX, connectivity internet exchange facility


Amsterdam data center AMS1 is well-connected through two independent meet-me-rooms (MMR), interconnect with a wide choice of connectivity providers, all major Internet exchanges (IX) and global cloud service providers through dual fiber entries. The data center is located on the prime fiber network routes from international carriers and backbones in Europe. The opportunity to connect to large numbers of content and digital media companies, enterprises, providers of financial services, cloud services, IT services, and local and Global Internet service providers.

Datacenter.com AMS1 facility scalable up to 10MVA 2N data center and colocation power.


20 MVA connection from the National Grid, meaning 10 MVA of 2N Green power available from renewable sources. Amsterdam AMS1 is designed based on the UTI Tier standards, which means 2N redundancy on all critical systems, delivering extremely high levels of service availability.

Datacenter.com AMS1 efficient cooling datacenter


Amsterdam AMS1 is designed based on highly efficient (pPUE < 1.04) and redundant (N+1 cooling units, 2N power and 2N water supply) Adiabatic cooling compliant to the highest energy efficiency standards. Our Amsterdam data center helps realize significant energy savings and CO2 emissions reductions.


When you store your IT infrastructure in the Amsterdam AMS1 data center, it’s protected by advanced physical security systems and protocols. These include multi-layered access system based on proximity cards, biometric readers and man traps combined with an advanced digital CCTV network and 24×7 on-site staff.

Datacenter.com Amsterdam AMS1 colocation data center

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Amsterdam Colocation & Internet Exchange data center

Datacenter.com’s AMS1 is strategically located in Amsterdam, surrounded by many international, financial, media and high-tech companies. Located close to Schiphol Airport, public transport and all important highways.

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